Tuesday, 31 January 2012

After all, Tomorrow is another day.

The following piece is written for Carry on Tuesday on the prompt, "After all, tomorrow is another day.", the last six words of Margaret Mitchell's original novel "Gone with the wind".
These six words made me write the poem for the two most important ladies in my life. My mum and grandmum.
Each one is an epitome of patience and optimism!
I'm in absolute awe of their ability to face all problems and obstacles in life with a smile on their beautiful faces. Absolute awe!

When the darkness of gloom and despair,
Engulfs her without a sign of repair,
Her smile shines through it akin a ray,
As she beams, "After all, tomorrow is another day".

When the curse of anger endeavours,
To crush her under its devastating favours,
Her control turns it onto blessing's way,
As she says, "After all, tomorrow is another day".

When the evil power of failure,
Tries to make her feel inferior,
Her optimism rises above its play,
As she exclaims, "After all, tomorrow is another day".

When the barbs of shattering pain,
Pierce her heart and with agony, stain,
Her tolerance cuts and throws them away,
As she gestures, "After all, tomorrow is another day".

To every attack of Negativity,
Be it extreme or with brevity,
All she says with a hey and a yay,
Is, "After all, tomorrow is another day"! :)

Sunday, 29 January 2012


Crimson makes me feel so .. umm.. crimson! With this crimson feeling, here is a haiku for Haiku Heights on the promt, CRIMSON.
Ooohh there's so much of 'crimson' out here! ;)

Burnt in betrayal
She dances with crimson rage
Heart bleeding fury

Thursday, 12 January 2012


The following lines have been carved for One Single Impression on the prompt, Invincible. Have fun reading the other entries here. They are worth a read. Or even more. Decide for yourself!

Cherubic countenance,
Mesmerizing smile,
Enthralling glance,
Twinkling eyes,
Serene disposition,
Puerile gestures,
Enchanting innocence,
Charms of a toddler,

Just Put It Firm...

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I came across these absolutely enchanting lines a while ago and I was engulfed in awe! Awe of the simplicity of the quote.
It, in itself, conveys the message but I would like to elaborate it a bit with my naive words.

The intensity of firmness of your first step on the staircase of Faith is directly proportional to the length of the staircase visible to you.

Also, Faith is directly proportional to Strength.
Yes! Believing in what you see with your eyes is very easy. Everybody does that. But, how many of us possess the power to acknowledge The Unseen? The power to submit all our hopes, desires and absolutely everything to Its Will? The power to hand over ourselves to It?

In this level of Submission lies our real Strength.

The stairs are rock-hard that will tempt you to stop climbing them but once you have the first step on the staircase of Faith placed firm supported by all the Strength residing in you, you will find them laden with flowers of bliss that lead to ecstacy and glory and then there's no looking back.

People of immense Power are those of undeterred Faith.

So, how powerful are you?


Here is a poem for Theme Thursday on the prompt, View.

"The glass is half-full",
Rejoices an Optimist.
"No, it's half-empty",
Complains the Pessimist.

"Phew! It's half-full",
Complacently states the Lazy one.
"No, I will fill the rest",
Asserts the go-getter with ambition.

On a single object,
Multiple views exist in mild strife.
 View deciphers outlook,
 Outlook shapes life.


The following poem is written in response to Chris' lovely picture prompt at Poetry Jam. Check out the other responses here. They are absolutely awesome! :)

Photo credit:
Public Domain Photograph from the Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photograph Collection in the Library of Congress; Jack Delano, photographer.

Despite the heart-rending trials,
Topped with despondency's garnish,
They stand steady exchanging puerile smiles,
And make the lingering gloom, vanish.

Sharing a laugh from the heart,
Even in the darkest of times,
They symbolize genuine love and prove that,
His life, with her, perfectly rhymes.

Extravagance and ostentation,
They don't need to exhibit this pretence,
Trust, care and compassion,
Mark this couple's existence.

Either Trust or Sulk!

Here is a senryu for the Three Word Wednesday prompt.

A brutal trial
Begets a sullen outlook;
Trust in God wrecks it.


Attaining Brilliance.

This haiku is written for Sensational Haiku Wednesday on the prompt, Brilliance.


Flaws, snags and errors;
Stepping stones on the road to
Skill and Brilliance.

Join the fun!

Monday, 9 January 2012

NOW- A Haiku.

This haiku is written for Haiku Heights on the prompt, Page.

Engulf every word
On Present's page; we know not
What lies on the Next.

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