Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Silently Loud Connection

Connections. There are so many notions taking birth in my mind that I can write a book on this single word. Right now, there is just one that is loud and clear and that is going to get my preference. I owe this one to Theme Thursday.

"Marriage is the unison of two souls", they say. I had my doubts about this courtesy my naivety, narrow horizon of my mind and my inability to see the rose amidst the thorns. At this stage of Life, I have risen above all the restrictions to notice and understand the beauty of the relationship called marriage. As I explore the subtelities of it, there is one that catches my attention - the mutual understanding between the couple. It's astonishing to see how unspoken words form their language of communication when required. Magical is more apt a term. One example that I take utmost pleasure in stating here is that of my parents. They exude this magic that I talk of. I have seen it and felt it in a way. This is no romantic fairytale kind of an idea that feels good in books and movies and can never come true. It is as true as it can be and it just takes a little bit of patience along with an effort to bid the devil called Ego a firm bye-bye to generate this sort of silent mutual understanding. It isn't a Herculean task to understand each other when feelings are expressed through words. The real challenge, so to say, lies in grasping each other's emotions by sending words on a holiday. It is as though an aura engulfs two souls connected by an invisible cord of Love and Understanding. And this is The Connection.  

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Truth Always Reveals Itself.

Veiled with lies as clouds
do, yet it will rise to shine;
Truth is like the Sun.

Truth never
lied; Ignorance made
Lie vanish.

Written for: Haiku Heights on the prompt TRUE.

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