Times have gone through changes so drastic,
Never was a human so emotionally robotic.
You either barbaically fight,
Or go,with a wooden expression,mime,
Why cant you see your fellow being's plight?
Why cant you make your thoughts rhyme?
Eyes are said to be windows to the soul,
It was so easy to reach the heart's concealed goal.
Why has it then become a Herculean task?
To grasp the feelings behind the mask?
For a soothing conversation,there is no room,
All that is left with you is a heart full of gloom.
Why dont you leave your ego behind?
And let your self-forbidden feelings unwind?
Life is moving at such fast a pace,
Every single soul is in a quest to become the ace.
Why cant you for once,stop making life a race?
And realise you may irrevocably lose a beloved face?
Times have gone through changes very drastic,
But its never too late to become a person,fantastic...:-)
Some things have to be found in their own time and way.