Thursday, 6 October 2011


If your present perception towards life (or anything for that matter) conforms to the above disgusting feeling, then order your mind to stop this right now!

Do you know why I term it as a "disgusting" feeling apart from the obvious reason that it makes you feel like... umm.... an utter loser?

Because you are plunging yourself into it and making yourself feel it!
Yes, you are!

How difficult is it to have hope?

Now, that is a pretty difficult (seemingly easy) question.

Is it, really?

Yes it is, for the non-believers (people who say "I have absolute faith in The Almighty" but their words, actions and reactions don't depict any of it).

No it isn't, for the believers (people whose way of life emanates that which they claim).

P.S:- I am sure you know what to do after reading this. Please do. :)

I know the sort of comments coming my way.

1. Yeah right! Do you even know what I am going through?!
2. It is easier said than done!
3. May be you have got it all easy and that's why all this is easy for you to say!
4. There she goes again with her jargon!
5.Why does she have to be such a dramatic, boring and preachy lecturer?!
   Etc. etc. etc...


1. May be I don't know what you are going through but if you try to look around you, there will be, atleast, a single person that is going through (with a hope) that which is similar to your case more or less. If that person can do it, so can you!
If you can't find any such person, then there will be millions of people facing trials much more severe than yours and that too with a true smile of hope.
What do you have to say then?

2. Is it easier said than done? How do you know? Have you tried doing it in the first place?
If you have, then you will never come up with such comments and if you do find yourself questioning the circumstances in life, then you haven't put in the thorough submission that is required for your success. You did it because you were told to. Not because you meant to.

3. I have got it all easy, you say? FYI, nobody has got it easy (NOBODY!!!). It's upto you to make it easy or surround yourself with unnecessary misery. If I am making everything look easy, then that is what faith does!

4. The above reason supports my "jargon". And people who know what I am talking about will see the meaning right through each and every single word. This is what I do on hearing tidbits from various people in life about "living life". Grasp all good you can and fill your life with it. You are surrounded by a lot of it. Open your eyes, minds and hearts!

5. Finally, I am not here to preach. I am not a lecturer either (though I feel I can be a good one ;)). It is just what has been taught to us by our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and many other great people who had been given the responsibility to do so by Him. It is mandatory here for me to mention that I am not the one to preach because I am not the one with complete knowledge. No, I am not. Infact, I consider myself with nil knowledge about The Way of Life. There is sooooo much to learn and implement. God is making me learn. From everywhere. From everyone. Something or the other. And whatever is learnt has to be taught to others for the sake of ALLAH 'azzawajjal only!!!

A very simple logic:

You create a machine. That machine belongs to you. You have full authority over it. You know its limits and so you push it till those limits only, because you know it can't bear more than that. If you do, then it might hurt your machine and you love it too much to let it get hurt. Because, YOU CREATED IT!

Try this analogy (for praise of ALLAH 'azzawajjal):

God created you. You belong to Him. He has full authority over you. He knows our limits and so He pushes you till those limits only, because He knows you can't bear more that that. If He does, then it will hurt you and He loves you too much to let you get hurt. Because, HE IS YOUR CREATOR!

How difficult is that to comprehend?

Just remember:

"If you feel that you are being tried and tested then, understand that you are capable of bearing more. Because even you don't know your limits. Only God does. He won't put you through more tests than you can go through. He loves you 70 times more than your mother does. Now, just imagine!!!"

Don't tell your God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how Big your God is!

You will find your peace atlast if you just have Faith in Him. :)


Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Yes it does!

Let us see how.

You are at home and engrossed in some work of yours. Or you are out on the streets. Or travelling by some vehicle.

It starts raining. What do you do?

The romantic souls put aside everything and jump at just the unimaginably beautiful earthly scent that greets them before thay can savour the RAIN. :)
Isn't it amazingly magical how this fragrance acts as the natural telegram delivering the news of the lovely rain's arrival beforehand? :)

And a few irritatingly moderate ones give an expression of equally irritating moderation with words like, "Oh raining, is it? So what's new?".
It's quite a task to resist the urge to shake these people up out of their feelingless caricature!

Not to mention the utter resentment you feel towards some of those outright despisers who ruin the bliss of the rainy experience with their querulous remarks about how they can't step outside and how it makes life difficult. Idiots!

Now, why do the last two categories of people display such a stony behaviour?
One of the reasons that imparts this type of perception is knowing or finding the reasons behind everything. There are two ways you can reason out things (let's talk about that as we progress through this post).

So now, cause of such a view (I am restricting this particular statement for rain. Nevertheless, it is applied to all aspects of life in various forms):-
Water evaporates from all water-bodies on the surface of the earth that combines with the particles present in the atmosphere to form clouds which then undergo condensation and hence the rain.
You know what I feel like saying after reading this? LOL!
Why? Because this is just sooooo logical, theoretical and rational (read irrational) that snatches away the lusture of amazement that had to be aroused on viewing the spectacular phenomenon called "rain".
P.S:- I am not denying this reasoning.

It's not that you remind yourself of this whenever you experience rain. But, it is etched in your memory as a result of your precious education in school. And subconsciously, this fact overpowers the surge of awe trying to come to the fore!
It's like a thought bubble of admiration being pricked with a needle of reason even before its complete formation! BURST!

Where is that admiration, adoration, awe, amazement, bewilderment lost?
Have you forgotten that this is nothing less than a miracle?
Can you see where the water is coming from when you look up at the sky?
No. It is infinite. There is no end. You gaze at the sky and feel you are lost in the depths of eternity. You can keep looking to find that place where rain resides and it will take you more than forever.
One moment, the sky is clear and the next, clouds cloud the sky.
Now it's all dry and then it's all wet.
How? Ever thought about it?

This "how?"  can be of two types which brings us to the concept of two types of reasoning.

1. A "how?" that questions your intellect and challenges you to unveil the mystery leading to you questioning your faith.

2. A "how?" that stirs your human instinct of astonished awe to life directing your thoughts towards praising the mightiness of The Almighty.    

The first involves reasoning without limit whereas the second involves reasoning within limit.
A limit that is imposed on us by our Creator. How dare we try to cross it?

We say that we are overcoming the blindness and ignorance by discovering the reasons behing every happening.
I say we are treading on the path towards blindness. Becoming blind to the miracles of God. Blind to the beauty of Nature.

I am not a part of some "anti-reasoning group" or something like that as you might think after reading all that. No I am not!

All I am saying is, reason but remember your limits. Look at it this way. The logic behind rain is so simple. Right?
Now, why don't you admire the simplicity of it? 
Who made it that simple? Isn't the Creator absolutely praise-worthy for making us understand the concept behind such a beautiful phenomenon in such a simple way?
If not for His Will, would you have been able to comprehend it?
No! Ofcourse not! Thank Him for that! For His mercy on our little minds! 

If you have been given the power to reason then utilise it for seeking the pleasure of knowing the purpose of  our existence to praise our Lord and not for labelling yourself as "intelligent"!
Reason has its own domain. It can work only in that. And how much ever you reason you will end up in a state where you will have two choices.
                                                       DENY  or  ADMIRE.

I would like to share one thing that God made me notice while I was pondering over this. May seem naive and idiotic to the scientific minds but I think it's a sign of faith.

One of the mathematical properties used in Algebra called "Transitive Law" is stated as follows:
                                              x=y and y=z then x=z.

Now reason this:
Let '=' denote "created".

Then, the law will be,

God created human and human created machine then God created machine.
Result: God created human and God created machine => God created everything!

I started with God because He is the beginning of everything. I am sure nobody will have a doubt about that.

So, if you can reason, then use every reason to praise The Creator.
Admire all that you see around you with the beautiful eyes that have been given to you by the Beautiful Creator to view all the beauty in His creations.


There is a lot of beauty around you that is worth appreciation, admiration and awe if you open your eyes, minds and hearts attributed to God.

                      Isn't this proof enough for us?
                 Are we so blind to push it all aside?
             Extinguishing admiration with rationalism?
                   Not praising the Praise-worthy?
                Killing Beauty with reason's poison? 

Ponder on.....

Sunday, 2 October 2011


In the Name of ALLAH, the Benificient, the Merciful.

    "Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadur rasool ullah"

Innumerable times have we uttered these words of attestation. We shall all thank ALLAH ta'ala for He has granted us the ability to do so. ALHUMDULILLAH.

At the same time we shall pray to ALLAH ta'ala to give us the opportunity to question ourselves, "Do I truly acknowledge the essence of the vow I take?".
Undoubtedly, an immediate answer, by ALLAH's ta'ala grace, would be, "Yes I do because I believe in the Almighty and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasallim).

Okay. We believe. We follow. Agreed. ALHUMDULILLAH. 
Next set of questions to be asked:
Do I practise the holy Sunnah?
Do I live each moment of life in the holy way shown to us by The Light of Guidance?
Do I curb my worldly desires and don't act according to my whims for the sake of ALLAH ta'ala?
Do I attribute every virtue of mine and every favourable circumstance to The Bestower (Al-Wahhaab) and hold myself responsible for every vice and weakness of mine?
Do I realise and repent for my sins with an oath of never repeating it and do I, then, fulfil the oath?
Do I look down upon fellow beings or do I regard each and every life as the creation of The God who created me?
Do I indulge, regularly, in thanking and being grateful to The Ever Providing (Ar-Razzaq) for the trivialest of blessings and favours?
Do I, undeterred, cling on to hope and faith in The Guardian, The Preserver (Al-Muhaymin) even in times of rigorous trials and tribulations?
Do I, constantly, remind myself that Death may be waiting for me in the next moment and do I live according to this reminder?

I am obliged to answer for myself and nobody else. So after contemplating upon these questions, I realized that I believe and I follow but I do not find myself in absolute practice of The Way of Life! ASTAGHFIRULLAH!

I thank ALLAH ta'ala and nobody else for this realisation!

And now, by ALLAH's ta'ala Will, I am putting in efforts to rectify all mistakes and implement the belief. I pray that all of us be granted this opportunity of clear-sightedness because there is a difference between believing and practicing. Ofcourse belief is the first step. Then? Then how do you transform the noun form of your belief to the verb form? How do you ascertain your belief?
By practicing all that you claim to believe in.
By depicting it through your deeds.
By carrying out every action only after acquiring a positive answer for the question, "Will ALLAH ta'ala be pleased if I do this?".

This act of discovering and realising is a process whose end will come only with our end. There is always something to be thankful for and when it comes to pleasing Him, there is no end, for He is our Creator. This fact, itself, should suffice for thanking Him every moment till our last breath! Then, is there ever enough gratefulness for His uncountable bounties and benevolence? Should we not bow in shame and awe and honour of The Most Merciful when He forgives and pardons our unpardonable sins and gives us another chance to live?

A quiet moment of such reflection every day is worth it and can be even more if ALLAH ta'ala Wills. Let us all try to take out a little time each day for discovering the purpose of our existence and act accordingly IN SHA ALLAH.

In conclusion, I would like to convey a thought of knowledge of a great person:

"Faith is never constant. It either goes on becoming firm as a result of good deeds or deteriorates due to bad deeds."

Let us all strive to:

              Reflect.  Realise.  Implement.  Practise. 

     IN SHA ALLAH 'azzawajjal, victory will be ours!

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