Sunday, 2 October 2011


In the Name of ALLAH, the Benificient, the Merciful.

    "Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadur rasool ullah"

Innumerable times have we uttered these words of attestation. We shall all thank ALLAH ta'ala for He has granted us the ability to do so. ALHUMDULILLAH.

At the same time we shall pray to ALLAH ta'ala to give us the opportunity to question ourselves, "Do I truly acknowledge the essence of the vow I take?".
Undoubtedly, an immediate answer, by ALLAH's ta'ala grace, would be, "Yes I do because I believe in the Almighty and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasallim).

Okay. We believe. We follow. Agreed. ALHUMDULILLAH. 
Next set of questions to be asked:
Do I practise the holy Sunnah?
Do I live each moment of life in the holy way shown to us by The Light of Guidance?
Do I curb my worldly desires and don't act according to my whims for the sake of ALLAH ta'ala?
Do I attribute every virtue of mine and every favourable circumstance to The Bestower (Al-Wahhaab) and hold myself responsible for every vice and weakness of mine?
Do I realise and repent for my sins with an oath of never repeating it and do I, then, fulfil the oath?
Do I look down upon fellow beings or do I regard each and every life as the creation of The God who created me?
Do I indulge, regularly, in thanking and being grateful to The Ever Providing (Ar-Razzaq) for the trivialest of blessings and favours?
Do I, undeterred, cling on to hope and faith in The Guardian, The Preserver (Al-Muhaymin) even in times of rigorous trials and tribulations?
Do I, constantly, remind myself that Death may be waiting for me in the next moment and do I live according to this reminder?

I am obliged to answer for myself and nobody else. So after contemplating upon these questions, I realized that I believe and I follow but I do not find myself in absolute practice of The Way of Life! ASTAGHFIRULLAH!

I thank ALLAH ta'ala and nobody else for this realisation!

And now, by ALLAH's ta'ala Will, I am putting in efforts to rectify all mistakes and implement the belief. I pray that all of us be granted this opportunity of clear-sightedness because there is a difference between believing and practicing. Ofcourse belief is the first step. Then? Then how do you transform the noun form of your belief to the verb form? How do you ascertain your belief?
By practicing all that you claim to believe in.
By depicting it through your deeds.
By carrying out every action only after acquiring a positive answer for the question, "Will ALLAH ta'ala be pleased if I do this?".

This act of discovering and realising is a process whose end will come only with our end. There is always something to be thankful for and when it comes to pleasing Him, there is no end, for He is our Creator. This fact, itself, should suffice for thanking Him every moment till our last breath! Then, is there ever enough gratefulness for His uncountable bounties and benevolence? Should we not bow in shame and awe and honour of The Most Merciful when He forgives and pardons our unpardonable sins and gives us another chance to live?

A quiet moment of such reflection every day is worth it and can be even more if ALLAH ta'ala Wills. Let us all try to take out a little time each day for discovering the purpose of our existence and act accordingly IN SHA ALLAH.

In conclusion, I would like to convey a thought of knowledge of a great person:

"Faith is never constant. It either goes on becoming firm as a result of good deeds or deteriorates due to bad deeds."

Let us all strive to:

              Reflect.  Realise.  Implement.  Practise. 

     IN SHA ALLAH 'azzawajjal, victory will be ours!


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