Thursday, 12 January 2012


Here is a poem for Theme Thursday on the prompt, View.

"The glass is half-full",
Rejoices an Optimist.
"No, it's half-empty",
Complains the Pessimist.

"Phew! It's half-full",
Complacently states the Lazy one.
"No, I will fill the rest",
Asserts the go-getter with ambition.

On a single object,
Multiple views exist in mild strife.
 View deciphers outlook,
 Outlook shapes life.


  1. This is very nice and positive!:)

  2. I have decided that I am a lazy optimist most of the time but then sometimes I am willing to fill it up. I think it has something to do with topping off people's coffee cups.

    I really like this poem and think it is one worth posting somewhere to read as a reminder about how our view of life shapes the way we see things.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. It says so much.

    God bless.

  3. Lazy optimist- I too fall in the same category. :)

    If not for your prompt, may be this poem wouldn't have itself written! :)

    Thank you so much for the appreciation. It matters a lot. :)

  4. another very inspiring writing, Amber. loved it.

    thank you for visiting mine earlier this week too. i appreciate your comment. you have a lovely blog here too. have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you so much! :)
      I reciprocate the appreciation. :)
      Glad you stopped by. :)


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